1 . In question arrange the following words according to English dictionary
    1. MOTIVE

    2. MOTHER


    A.  3,4,1,2
    B.  3,2,4,1
    C.  3,4,2,1
    D.  1,2,3,4
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    2 . In question, which set of letters when sequentially placed in the gaps in the given letter series shall complete it?
    c_efg _ _ gfed _cdef _ _ hgfedc
    A.  ghhdch
    B.  dhhcgh
    C.  dhcchg
    D.  cchghd
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    3 . In question, which set of letters when sequentially placed in the gaps in the given letter series shall complete it?
    stu _ wt _ vwx _vw_yv_xy_
    A.  vuuxwz
    B.  vuvxwz
    C.  stuvwz
    D.  vuxwuz
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    4 .
    P and K start from their office and walk in opposite directions, travelling 10 km each. Then P turns left and walks 10 km, whereas K turns right and walks 10 km. How far are they now from each other?
    A.  10 km
    B.  30 km
    C.  25 km
    D.  20 km
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    5 .
    If MADRAS is written as DAMSAR, how will DEMAND be written in that code?
    A.  MEDAND
    B.  ANDMED
    C.  MAEDND
    D.  MEDDNA
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    6 .
    In a certain code language GOOD is written as HQRH. How will DREAM be written in that code language?
    A.  HERTE
    B.  ETHER
    C.  FTHDP
    D.  ETHBO
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    7 . In question, from the given alternative select the word which cannot be formed by using the letters of the given word
    A.  PARROT
    B.  TRAIL
    C.  PROPER
    D.  REPO
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    8 . In question, from the given alternative select the word which cannot be formed by using the letters of the given word
    A.  TEAR
    B.  CREATE
    C.  RATE
    D.  NATURE
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    9 .
    Akash's grandmother is married to Nirmal's brother. Sahil's mother is grand-mother-in-law of Nirmal's fatherin-law. What is Akash to Sahil?
    A.  Cousin
    B.  Uncle
    C.  Nephew
    D.  Brother
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    10 .
    In a certain langage CLERK is written as EOIWQ. How is TABLE written in that code?
    A.  VDFQK
    B.  VFDOK
    C.  VCDNG
    D.  VCNDG
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