What is the respective ratio of total number of students studying B.Sc., B.A. and B.Com. in all the Colleges together?

[ A ]    71 : 67 : 75
[ B ]    67 : 71 : 75
[ C ]    71 : 68 : 75
[ D ]    75 : 71 : 68
Answer : Option A
Explanation :
Total number of students studying in different streams in all the colleges:
B.Sc. ®1775
B.A. ®275 + 300 + 325 + 450 + 325 = 1675
B.Com. ®425 + 475 + 325 + 425 + 225 = 1875
\Required ratio
= 1775 : 1675 : 1875
= 71 : 67: 75

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