At the equator the earth bulges so its radi us i s more and gravi ty which multiplies mass to give weight varies according to this formula g= $GM\over r^2$ So, you can see that from the equation the value of “g†reduces with increased radius, so the less the “g†the less the “weight†since mass is constant.
X-rays produced when electrons strike a met al t arget . The e lect rons are liberated from the heated filament and accelerated by a high voltage towards the metal target. The X-rays produced when the electrons collide with the atoms and nuclei of the metal target.
An Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) is a digital electronic circuit that performs ari thmeti c and bi tt ers l ogi cal operations on integer binary number. This is in contrast to a Floating - Point Unit (FPU), which operates on Floating Point numbers.
9 .Which of the following statement is false about charged expenditure ?
A. Expenditure which requires voting in the parliament
B. Expenditure which doesnot requires voting in the parliament
C. Expenditure whi ch is i ncurred on productive activities
D. Expenditure which is incurred on social welfare schemes.
Answer & Explanation
Answer : Option A
Explanation :
“Charged Expenditure†is the expenditure that doesnot require voting in the Parliament. A Expenditure which requires voting is the parliament is voted expenditure according to article – 112(2) of the Constitution of India.
The only Mahajanpada located in south India is Ashmaka or Assaka. It is located on the bank of Godavari river. The Ashmaka are also mentioned by Panini.