1 .The water from a hand pump is warm in winter because—
A.  Our body is cold in winter and the water appears to be warm
B.  The temperature inside the earth is higher than the atmospheric temperature
C.  The pumping process causes friction which warms up the water
D.  Inside water comes out and absorbs heat from the environment
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2 .A water tank appears shallower when it is viewed from top due to—
A.  rectilinear propagation of light
B.  reflection
C.  total internal reflection
D.  refraction
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3 .Cost of production of the producer is given by :
A.  ditm of wages paid to labourers.
B.  sum of wages and interest paid on capital.
C.  sum of wages, int erest , rent and supernormal profit.
D.  sum of wages, interest, rent and normal profit.
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4 .India is a secular state because in our country —
A.  state has no religion
B.  religion has been abolished
C.  state patronises a particular religion
D.  none of the above
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5 .The atmospheric layer closest to the earth is —
A.  Mesosphere
B.  Hydrosphere
C.  Troposphere
D.  Ionosphere
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6 .Whi l e computi ng nat i onal i nc ome estimates, which of the following is required to be observed ?
A.  The value of exports to be added and the value of imports to be subtracted
B.  The value of exports to be subtracted and the value of imports to be added
C.  The value of both exports and imports to be added
D.  The value of both exports and imports to be subtracted
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7 .Which one of the following is the smallest endocrine gland in human body ?
A.  Adrenal
B.  Thyroid
C.  Pituitary
D.  Pancreas
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8 .In case no party enjoys absolute majority in the Legislative Assembly of a state, the Governor will go by —
A.  the advice of former Chief Minister
B.  the advice of the Prime Minister
C.  the advice of the President of India
D.  his own discretion
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9 .An instrument used to measure humidity is —
A.  Anemometer
B.  Hygrometer
C.  Thermometer
D.  Pyrheliometer
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10 .If the Prime Minister of India submits his resignation to the President, it will mean the resignation of the :
A.  Prime Minister only
B.  Prime Minister and the Cabinet Ministers
C.  Entire Council of Ministers
D.  Prime Minister, Cabinet Ministers and the Speaker
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