An equilibrium market price is the price at which there is no tendencyfor it to change. When pric e is lowe r t han the equilibrium price, quantity demanded will be greater than quantity supplied. There will be tendency for the price to increase when price is higher than the equilibrium price, quantity supplied wi l l be greater than quanti ty demanded. There will be a tendency for the price to decrease. Equilibrium market price is attained when the quantity demanded equals quantity supplied, it is sometimes called market clearing price
2 .I f the Union Parliament is to assume legislative power over and subject included in the State List, the resolution to the effect has to be passed by which of the following ?
Chile is the leading copper producing country in the world. The other major copper producing countries are – China, Peru, United states, Congo, Australia, Russia, Zambia, Canada, Mexico, Kazakhstan, Poland, Indonesia etc.
Second Anglo Mysore war was fought in the year 1780 - 1784. Warren Hastingswas the Governor-General during this war. Causes : Warren Hastings attacked French port Mahe, which was in Hyder Ali’s territory, Hyder Ali led a joint front with Nizam and Marathas and capture Arcot. Course of War:In 1781, in the Battle of Porto Nova, Hyder Ali was defeated by British troops commanded by Sir Eyre coot. In 1782, during course of war, Hyder Ali died due to cancer. His son Tipu Sultan continued the war. Treaty : Treaty of Mangalore was signed in 1784.
A clone is a group of indi vi duals obtained through micro propagation. Micropropagation is the growing of plants from meristematic tissue or somatic cells of superior plants on nut ri ent sui table medi a under controlled asceptic physical condition
Appleis a pome and the edible part is the psuedocarp or “false fruitâ€. After fertilization when any part of the flower, other than the ovary, develops into the fruit, it is called a “false fruitâ€. The edible part of the apple is thalamus
Mangrove Forest acts as barriers against cyclones and other natural disasters like tidal waves and tropical storms. They protect habitats, animal and human beings living in area where Mangrove forests are found in bulk. They also control tide of water and also help controls soil erosion. Mangrove Forest are found in intertidal zone where a group of trees and shrubs form a dense area that require slow-moving water supply. These forests only grow at moderate to high temperature areas like tropical and subtropical latitudes near the equator.
Article 335 Cl aims of s chedul ed cast es and scheduled Tribes to services and posts. The claims of the members of the scheduled castes and scheduled Tribes shall be taken into consideration, consistently with the maintenance of efficiency of administration, i n the making of appointments to services and posts in connection with the affairs of the Union or of a State
Immunization is the process by which an i ndivi dual s’ i mmune system becomes fortified against an agent known as the immunogenic. Immunization is done through various techniques, most commonly vaccination. Vaccines against microorganismsthat cause diseases can prepare the body’s immune system, thus helping to fight or prevent an infection. Unti l , 1880s vacci ne/vaccinat ion referred only to smallpox, but Louis Pas teur devel oped i mmunizat ion methods f or chi cken chol era and anthrax in animals and for human rabies and suggested that the terms vacci ne/vac ci nati on should be extended to cover the new procedures.