D. Elected by the Legislative Assemblies of various Provinces
Answer & Explanation
Answer : Option D
Explanation :
The member of the Consti t uent Assembly which enacted the constitution of India were elected by the legislative assemblies of various provinces. 292 member were elected through the Provincial Legislative Assemblies, 93 member represented the Indi an Pri ncel y St at es and 4 members represented the Chief Commissioners Provinces. The total membership of the Assembly thus was to be 389. The Constitution Assembly took three years (2 years 11 month and 7 days) to complete its historic task of drafting the Constitution for Independent India.
In March 1942, a mission headed by Stafford Cripps was sent to India with constitutional proposals to seek Indian support for the war. Staf ford Cri pps was a le ft-wi ng Labourite, the leader of the House of Commons and a member of the British War Cabinet who had actively supported the Indian national movement.
Why Cripps Mission was sent:
i. Because of the reverses suffered by Bri t ai n i n South-East Asi a, the Japanese threat to invade India seemed real now ‘and Indian support became crucial.
ii. There was pressure on Britain from the Allies (USA, USSR, and China) to seek Indian cooperation.
iii. I ndian nationalist s had agreed to support the Allied cause if substantial power was transferred immediately and complete independence given after the war.
Main Proposals :
The main proposals of the mission were as follows:
1. An I ndian Uni on with a dominion status; would be set up; it would be free to deci de it s rel ati ons wi th the Commonwealth and free to participate i n t he Uni ted Nati ons and ot her international bodies.
2. After the end of the war, a constituent assembly would be convened to frame a new constitution. Members of this assembly would be partly elected by the provi nci al assembl ies t hrough proportional representation and partly nominated by the princes.
3. The British Government would accept the new constitution subject to two conditions.
(i) any province not willing to join the Union could have a separate constitution and form a separate Union, and (ii) the new constitution- making body and the British Government would negotiate a treaty to effect the transfer of power and to saf eguard raci al and reli gious minorities.
4. I n the meantime, defence of I ndia would remain in British hands and the governor-general’s powers woul d remain intact.
In the Part III of Indian Constitution Guarantees Fundamental Rights to the Peopl e. These f undamental ri ght s include Right to Equality, Right to Freedom, Right to Freedom of religion, Cultural and Education Rights, Right against Exploitation, and Ri ght t o Constitutional Remedies.
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1. Mercury 2. Venus
3. Earth 4. Mars
5. Jupiter 6. Saturn
7. Uranus 8. Neptune
Chemotherapy is used is the treatment of chemo. Chemotherapy (often abbreviated to chemo and sometimes CTX or CTx) is a category of cancer treatment that uses chemical substances, especially ore or more ant i-cancer drugs (chemotherapeutic agents) that are givesn as part of a standardized chemotherapy regimen. Radiot herapy is another treatment. It uses Gamma waves