1 . An ele ctron mic roscope gives hi ghe r magnifications than an optical microscope because :
A. The electron microscope uses more powerful lenses
B. The electrons have more energy than the light particulars
C. The velocity of electrons is smaller than that of light
D. The wavelength of electrons is smaller as compared to the wavelength of visible light
Answer & Explanation
Answer : Option D
Explanation :
Si nce Resol uti on is inversel y proportional to wavelength therefore, an electron microscope gives higher magnif ic ati on than an opt i cal microscope because the wavelength of electrons is smaller as compared to the wavelength of visible light.
The largest current, because of its dark waters is known as the “black Current†and that is Kuroshio current. Kuroshio Current is the oceanic surface current that flows northwards from Philippines. The Kuroshio is a warm current flowing in a northeasterly direct ion along Japan’s east coast. It is about 100 kilometers (km) wide, and it has an average speed of 3 to 4 knots
Champa used the elephant in wars first. In 605 AD, a general Liu Fang of the Chinese Sui dynasty invaded lam Ap, won a battle by luring the enemy war elephants into an area boobytrapped wi th camouf laged pits, massacred the defeated troops and captured the capital. Champa was formed in Ad 192, during the breakup of the Han dynasty of China. The Kingdom was known variousl y as nagara Campa and Zhancheng in Chinese record. The Cham people of modern Vietnam and Cambodia are the remnants of this former kingdom
The state re organi zati on i n 1956 created 14 states and 6 union Territories. These were –
States Union Territories
1. Andhra Pradesh 1. Himachal Pradesh
2. Assam 2. Andaman and Nicobar Island
3. Bihar 3. Delhi
4. Bombay 4.Laccadive, Minicoy and Amindivi Island
5. Jammu And 5. Manipur Kashmir
6. Kerala 6. Tripura
7. Madhya Pradesh
8. Madras
9. Mysore
10. Orissa
11. Punjab
12. Rajasthan
13. Uttar Pradesh
14. West Bengal
Taiga forest of Siberia is the largest forest which covers 25 per cent of the world forest land. It covers the most area of Canada and Alaka and known as North woods
Muhammad Bin Tuglaq prohibited Sati. Muhammad Bin Tuglaq was a Turkic Sultan of Delhi and the eldest son of Ghiyas-ud-din Tughlaq. Muhammad Bin Tuglaq was a many-sided genius. Muhammad Bin Tuglaq has a knowledge of multitudinous language like Persian, Turky, Arabic and also Sanskrit. He was a Scholar in Mathematics, Philosophy, Medical Science and Physics. He also known as mad Tuglaq in the history due to his failure method and innovation in administration. Muhammad Bin Tuglaq introduced token currency. Muhammad Bin Tuglaq was a Muslim ruler but he was large-minded towards other religious. Muhammad Bin Tuglaq celebrated Hindu festivities like as Holi and Dewali. Muhammad Bin Tuglaq employed the HIndu in High Posts. According to the mythology of Hindu, The wife of Dakhsha was Sati. Sati overcome at the demise of her husband (Dakhsha) that she immolated herself on his funeral pyre and burnt herself to ashes. Since then her name ‘Sati’ has come to be symptomatic of selfimmolation by a widow. Now a Present time Sati is illegal. Raja Rammohan Roy the 18th century social reformer crusading against Sati.