Spore : Spores are units of asexual reproduction. They are produced by non flowering plants, bacteria, fungi and algal. A spore production plant is Bread Mould
A shift in the demand curve is caused by a factor affecting demand other than a change in price. If any of these f actors change then the amount consumers wish to purchase changes whatever the price. The shift in the demand curve is referred to as an increase or decrease in demand. A movement along the demand curve occurs when there is a change in price. This may occur because of a change in supply conditions. The factors affecting demand are assumed to be held constant. A change in price l eads to a moveme nt al ong the demand curve and is referred to as a change in quantity demanded.
D. manages to avoid losses by continual innovation
Answer & Explanation
Answer : Option B
Explanation :
Factors of production are the inputs to the production process. Many economists today consider 'human capi tal ' as the fourth f actor of production, with entrepreneurship as a form of human capital. In markets, entrepreneurs combine the other factors of production, land, labor, and capital, in order to make a profit.
There are four different tea categories that differ in processing methods. By withering, new picked leaves are thinl y spread to dry during this process. Heated air is forced over the leaves if the climate is not suitable. The main goal of this process is to reduce the water content. By the end of withering, the leaves should be pliable enough to be rolled. From the withering racks, the leaves are now twisted and rolled so that the leaf cells are broken up. Oxidation is a biochemical process where oxygen is absorbed. I t begins once the leaf membranes are broken during the rolling process. Oxidation causes the leaves to turn bright copper in color. During the stage of drying or firing, t he l eave s are dri ed evenly and thoroughly without being burnt. Firing the leaves stops the oxidation process.