1 .
In the following questi ons sign 'X' is assigned to the open state of a dice. Find the figure from the given options which can be obtained after closing the figure (X)
Answer & Explanation
Answer : Option C |
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2 .
Three positions of a dice are given, find out on their basis that which digit will be opposite to '2' ?
Answer & Explanation
Answer : Option D |
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3 .
Find the correct option form the given options :
Which picture best depicts relation between Jalebi, Sweets and Edible goods ?
Answer & Explanation
Answer : Option C |
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4 .
In the following picture, Q, S and P are three circles tied to each other in which circle Q represents I ndians, circle S represents sci ent is ts and circl e M re prese nts politicians. Various areas of the picture aremarked with numbers from 1 to 7.
Which area represents those Indians who are politicians but not scientists.
Answer & Explanation
Answer : Option D |
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5 .
I am standing beside a river with my back to the river. An object floating in the river water independently floats from my left to right side. River is flowing from west to east, then I am facing which direction ?
Answer & Explanation
Answer : Option A |
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6 .
A woman pointing towards a boy says, My maternal uncle and his maternal uncle of maternal uncle are brothers. What is the relation between that woman and that base ?
Answer & Explanation
Answer : Option A |
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7 .
If a mirror is placed on the line AB, then which of the answer figures is the right image of the given figure.
Answer & Explanation
Answer : Option D |
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8 .
Which of the given figure is the correct water image of the question figure?
Answer & Explanation
Answer : Option C |
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9 .
In the following questions given format is made on a transparent page and folded along the dotted line, then how will it be visible ?
Answer & Explanation
Answer : Option D |
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10 .
A piece of paper is folded and cut as shown below in the question figures. From the given answer figures, indicate how it will appear when opened.
Answer & Explanation
Answer : Option B |
Explanation : |
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