1 . In each of the following questions, select the related letter/word/ number from the given alternatives
462 : 22 : : 525 : ?
A.  10
B.  15
C.  20
D.  25
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2 . In each of the following questions, select the related letter/word/ number from the given alternatives
Tajmahal : Agra : : Eiffel Tower : ?
A.  Oarus
B.  London
C.  Canada
D.  Washington
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3 . Find the odd word/letters/ number pair/number from the given alternatives.

A.  7 - 56
B.  9 - 90
C.  12 - 72
D.  11 - 131
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4 . Find the odd word/letters/ number pair/number from the given alternatives.

A.  Milk
B.  Butter
C.  Paneer
D.  Ghee
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5 . Find the odd word/letters/ number pair/number from the given alternatives.

A.  56 - 13
B.  38 - 23
C.  43 - 10
D.  83 - 14
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6 . Find the odd word/letters/ number pair/number from the given alternatives.

A.  $4 \over 24$
B.  $1 \over 6$
C.  $23 \over 138$
D.  $25 \over 148$
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7 .
A is in east to B which is north to C. If D is in west to C, then A is in which directions of D?
A.  South-East
B.  South-West
C.  North-East
D.  North
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8 .
From the given responses, choose the response which shows meaningful order of the following words

1. Bookshelf

2. Books

3. Page

4. School

5. Library
A.  3, 2, 1, 5, 4
B.  1, 5, 4, 3, 2
C.  1, 4, 2, 3, 5
D.  3, 4, 5, 2, 1
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9 .
Which of the following diagrams indicates the best relationship between Bear, Omnivorous and Lion ?
A.  image
B.  image
C.  image
D.  image
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10 .
If water is called blue, blue is called red, red is called yellow, yellow is called sky, sky is called rain, rain is called green and green is called air. Which of the following is the colour of turmeric ?
A.  sky
B.  green
C.  red
D.  rain
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