1 .
O is the wife of N. Q is the son of O. M is the Brother of N and father of P. How is Q related to P?
A.  Cousin
B.  Uncle
C.  Brother
D.  Maternal Uncle
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2 . In the following questions, a series is given with one terms missing. Choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series:
X, T, P, L, H, ?
A.  F
B.  D
C.  C
D.  E
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3 . In the following questions, a series is given with one terms missing. Choose the correct alternative from the given ones that will complete the series:
0, 7, 26, 63, 124, ?
A.  125
B.  215
C.  142
D.  208
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4 .
In the given cube, which digit is opposite to face which contains digit 3 on the top?

A.  6
B.  4
C.  3
D.  1
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5 .
Choose the correct alternatives from the given ones that will complete the series

p __ q q p __ q q p __ q q
A.  pqq
B.  qqq
C.  qqp
D.  ppq
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6 . In question, select the missing number from the give responses.
$36\,\,\, 9 \,\,\,25$

$4\,\,\, 49 \,\,\,9$

$25\,\,\, 64 \,\,\,36$

$9\,\,\, ? \,\,\,8$
A.  6
B.  4
C.  9
D.  16
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7 . In question, select the missing number from the give responses.
$3\,\,\, 4 \,\,\,5$

$40\,\,\, 48\,\,\, 24$

$49\,\,\, 64 \,\,\,?$
A.  44
B.  49
C.  50
D.  56
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8 . In question, select the missing number from the give responses.
A.  20
B.  26
C.  25
D.  29
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9 .
If PUNCTALE is written as 47819653, then how TUNELP will be written in same code language?
A.  957864
B.  958674
C.  973845
D.  978354
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10 .
Find out which of the answer figures (A), (B), (C) and (D) can be formed by using the pieces given in question figure.

A.  image
B.  image
C.  image
D.  image
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