1 .
Soumalya scored 70 marks in an examination. He got higher marks than 90% of the students. If 4 students got higher than him, then what is the total number of students in the class ?
A.  50
B.  55
C.  60
D.  45
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2 .
It was a Tuesday on $1^ {st}$ April. What day was it on $28^ {th}$ June of the same year ?
A.  Thursday
B.  Saturday
C.  Sunday
D.  Wednesday
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3 .
All the surfaces of a solid cube is painted red and then it is cut into 64 small cubes of equal measure. Then how many cubes have their two adjacent surfaces painted red and rest of the surfaces uncoloured ?
A.  16
B.  24
C.  48
D.  32
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4 .In questions, select the missing number from the given responses
1961 ? 121 29 6
A.  490
B.  489
C.  488
D.  487
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5 .In questions, select the missing number from the given responses
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, ?
A.  34
B.  29
C.  26
D.  28
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6 .In questions, select the missing number from the given responses
Identify among the following to which addition of 'RI G' in any place gives a meaningful word.
A.  Pea
B.  Hee
C.  Madn
D.  Idity
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7 .In questions, select the missing number from the given responses
A.  25
B.  12
C.  48
D.  52
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8 .In question, one or two statements is given followed by two/three Conclusion I, II and III. You have to consider the statement to be true, even if it seems to be at variance from commonly known facts. You are to decide which of the given conclusions can definitely be drawn from the given statement. Indicate your answer
$Statements :$

Some villagers are honest.
All honest are educated.
No educated is a unemployed.

$Conclusions :$

I. No honest is unemployed.
II. Some educated are honest.
III. Some villagers are unemployed
A.  Only I and II follow
B.  Only II and III follow
C.  Only III and I follow
D.  All follow
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9 .In question, one or two statements is given followed by two/three Conclusion I, II and III. You have to consider the statement to be true, even if it seems to be at variance from commonly known facts. You are to decide which of the given conclusions can definitely be drawn from the given statement. Indicate your answer
$Statements :$

All those political prisoners were released on bail who went for reasons other than political incidents, but bail of such prisoners was rejected who were involved in murder.

$Conclusions :$

I. None of the political prisoners was involved in murder.
II. Some politicians were not arrested.
A.  Only conclusion I follows the statement
B.  Only conclusion II follows the statement
C.  Either conclusion I or conclusion II follows the statement
D.  Neither conclusion I nor conclusion II follows the statement
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10 .
In the following diagram a joint triangle, square and circle is shown which represents urban, brilliant and students respectively. In the following diagram, which is the area from areas A to G, which represents urban students who are not brilliant ?

A.  D
B.  A
C.  B
D.  G
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