6 .A and B together can complete a work in 3 days. They started together but after 2 days, B l ef t the work. I f the work is completed after 2 more days. B alone could do the work in how many days ?
7 .Two ci rc l es of radii 4 cm and 9 c m respectively, touch each other externally at a point and a common tangent touches them at the points P and Q respectively. Then the area of a square with the side PQ is –
A.144 $cm^2$
B.194 $cm^2$
C.169 $cm^2$
D.9 $cm^2$
8 .Two guns were fired from the same place at an interval of 5 min but a man sitting in a train moving towards that place heard the second sound at an interval of 4 min 30 sec. Find speed of train. (speed of sound = 330 m/sec)