2 .The perimeter of a rectangle and a square are 120 m each. The area of the rectangle is less than that of the area of square by 100 square mtr. The length of the rectangle is –
4 .The volume of a solid hemispherical object is 10472 $cm^3$ . Its total surface area is –
A. 2757.008 $cm^2$
B. 2775.008$cm^2$
C. 2575.008$cm^2$
D. 2600.008$cm^2$
5 .ABCD is a rhombus whose three vertices A, D and C lie on a circle while the 4th vertex B lies on its centre. If the area of rhombus is $8\sqrt3$ $cm^2$ . Find the radius of the circle
7 .Due to a sudden marriage, the f amily incurs miscellaneous expenditure of ` 2650 in total. How much is the increase in the amount under this head from the estimated budget