1 .Study the following graph carefully to answer these questions.

If the quantity sold of item D increased by 50% and the price reduced by 10%, what was the total value of the quantity sold for Item D?
A.  Rs. 675
B.  Rs.6750
C.  Rs.67550
D.  Rs.67500
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2 .Study the following graph carefully to answer these questions.

Approximately, what is the average price per kg of items A, B and C ?
A.  Rs.9.50
B.  Rs.8
C.  Rs.7.50
D.  Rs.11.6
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3 .Study the following graph carefully to answer these questions.

What is the ratio between the total values of quantity sold for items E and F respectively?
A.  15 : 14
B.  3 : 2
C.  5 : 7
D.  7 : 5
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4 .Study the following graph carefully to answer these questions.

Total value of the quantity sold for item C is what per cent of the total value of the quantity sold for Item E?
A.  111
B.  85
C.  90
D.  87.5
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5 .Study the following graph carefully to answer these questions.

If the price as well as the quantity sold is Increased by 20% for item A, what is the total value of quantity sold for item A?
A.  Rs. 48500
B.  Rs.49000
C.  Rs.42000
D.  Rs.50400
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6 . Study the following graph carefully to answer the questions that follow:

What is the total number of students studying B.Sc in all Colleges together?
A.  1825
B.  1975
C.  1650
D.  1775
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7 . Study the following graph carefully to answer the questions that follow:

What is the respective ratio of total number of students studying B.Sc. in the colleges C and E together to those studying B.A. in the Colleges A and B together?
A.  24 : 23
B.  25 : 27
C.  29 : 23
D.  29 : 27
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8 . Study the following graph carefully to answer the questions that follow:

What is the respective ratio of total number of students studying B.Sc., B.A. and B.Com. in all the Colleges together?
A.  71 : 67 : 75
B.  67 : 71 : 75
C.  71 : 68 : 75
D.  75 : 71 : 68
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9 . Study the following graph carefully to answer the questions that follow:

Number of students studying B.Com. in College C forms approximately what percent of the total number of students studying B.Com. in all Colleges together?
A.  39
B.  21
C.  44
D.  17
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10 . Study the following graph carefully to answer the questions that follow:

Number of students studying B.A in College B forms what per cent of total number of students studying all the disciplines together in that College? (rounded off two digits after decimal)
A.  26.86
B.  27.27
C.  29.84
D.  32.51
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