1 .
The ratio of the areas of a regular hexagon and an equilateral triangle having same perimeter is
A.  2:3
B.  6:1
C.  3:2
D.  1:6
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2 .
A hollow cylindrical tube 20 cm long, is made of iron and its external and internal diameters are 8cm and 6 cm respectively. The volume of iron used in making the tube is:
A.  1760 cu.cm
B.  880 cu.cm
C.  440 cu.cm
D.  220 cu.cm
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3 .
A solid hemisphere is of radius 11 cm. The curved surface area in sq. cm is:
A.  1140.85
B.  1386.00
C.  760.57
D.  860.57
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4 .
A wire when bent in the form of an equilateral triangle encloses a region having area of 1213 cm2. If the same wire is bent into the form of a circle, the area (in cm2) enclosed by the wire is:
A.  21 cm
B.  15.75 cm
C.  10.5 cm
D.  9 cm
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5 .
Each side of a rectangular field is diminished by 40%. By how much percent is the area of the field diminished?
A.  32
B.  64
C.  25
D.  16
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6 .The following Bar chart shows the sales of a company XYZ ( In Crore Rs.). Study the chart and answer the following questions

Total sales in 2nd and 3rd years together is :
A.  2688 crores
B.  2888 crores
C.  2788 crores
D.  2488 crores
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7 .The following Bar chart shows the sales of a company XYZ ( In Crore Rs.). Study the chart and answer the following questions

The $2^{nd}highest sale is in the year:
A.  10
B.  9
C.  8
D.  7
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8 .The following Bar chart shows the sales of a company XYZ ( In Crore Rs.). Study the chart and answer the following questions

The 2ndleast sale is in year:
A.  2
B.  3
C.  6
D.  4
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9 .The following Bar chart shows the sales of a company XYZ ( In Crore Rs.). Study the chart and answer the following questions

The mean of the highest and the lowest sale (in Rs. Crore). Is:
A.  4922.5
B.  4827
C.  4365
D.  4922
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10 .The following Bar chart shows the sales of a company XYZ ( In Crore Rs.). Study the chart and answer the following questions

The sale in the year 4 is less than the sale in the year 8 by:
A.  3608 crore
B.  3504 crore
C.  3127 crore
D.  3427 crores
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