1 .
In a 400 ml mixture of water and milk the quantity of water is 70%. How much milk must be added to the mixture so that the quantities of milk and water in the mixture become equal?
Answer & Explanation
Answer : Option D |
Explanation : |
The quantity of milk in the mixture is $400 \times 30 \over 100$ = 120 ml
And quantity of water in the mixture = $400 \times 70 \over 100$ = 280 ml
Let x ml milk be added in the mixture.
Then x + 120 = 280
So, x= 280 - 120=160 ml. |
2 .
Fresh fruits contain 70% water in them whereas dry fruits contain 25% water. Find the quantity of dry fruits that can be obtained from 100 kg fresh fruits.
Answer & Explanation
Answer : Option B |
Explanation : |
In dry fruits 75% pulp = 30 kg
So, Quantity of dry fruits = $30 \over 75$$\times$ 100 = 40 kg |
3 .
If the cost price of 15 articles is equal to the selling price of 12 articles, the profit percentage is
Answer & Explanation
Answer : Option A |
Explanation : |
Profit % = $15 - 12 \over 12$ $\times$ 100 = $3 \over 12$ $\times$ 100 = 25 % |
4 .
The average of 15 numbers is 40. The average of first eight numbers is 30. If the average of last eight numbers is 50, then the eighth number is
Answer & Explanation
Answer : Option B |
Explanation : |
The sum of total numbers = 15 x 40 = 600
The sum of first eight numbers = 8 x 30 = 240
The sum of last eight numbers = 8 x 50 = 400
So, Eighth number = 400+240 -600 = 40 |
5 .
An item priced at Rs. 300 is sold at 10% gain. If the selling price is reduced by 15%, what will be the gain or loss per cent?
Answer & Explanation
Answer : Option C |
Explanation : |
6 .
The ratio of three numbers is 2 : 3 : 5 and their product is 10290. Find all the numbers
Answer & Explanation
Answer : Option D |
Explanation : |
7 .
A shopkeeper allows a discount of 10% on the marked price. By what per cent above the cost price must he mark his goods to gain 8%?
Answer & Explanation
Answer : Option A |
Explanation : |
Let the price be Rs 100.
Then , selling price = Rs 108
Marked price =$108 \over 90$ $\times$ 100 = Rs. 120
So, Reqd % = $120 - 100 \over 100$ $\times$ 100 = 20% |
8 .
A sum of money lent at compound interest for 2 years at 20% per annum would fetch Rs. 482 more, if the interest was payable half-yearly rather than annually. The sum is
Answer & Explanation
Answer : Option A |
Explanation : |
Rs 20000 |
9 .
A sells an article to B for Rs. 45000 at a loss of 10% in the transaction. B sells it to C at a price which gives a profit of 10% to A. By what per cent does B gain?
Answer & Explanation
Answer : Option B |
Explanation : |
10 .
A man can row against a current three-fourths of a kilometre in 15 minutes and returns the same distance in 10 minutes. The ratio of his speed to that of the current is
Answer & Explanation
Answer : Option C |
Explanation : |
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